Over the past few years, the Rouen Ethnolinguistics Project has been working closely with various German scholars, mainly in collaboration with the new wave in Humboldt scholarship. Jürgen Trabant, who along with Kurt Müller-Vollmer, greatly contributed to relaunching Humboldt Studies, kindly accepted to work with us in recording the Humboldt Lectures for the REP website in April 2015. He played a strategic role in bringing together Polish, Czech, and French scholars at the Prague conference organised by Normandy University and Charles University, Prague, in June 2016. And in April 2016, he and Ute Tintemann represented Berlin in helping Marko Pajević, of Queen Mary's University London, to bring together John E. Joseph, from Edinbugh University and author of the Saussure Biography, with other British scholars in conjunction with the Rouen Ethnolinguistics Project. Thinking Humboldt.
REP has been involved in various conferences and workshops in Germany over the past few years, such as the following one:
September 2014, Berlin, Humboldts Sprachwissenschaft in Ost-Europa
Humboldt’s Influence in Eastren Countries (organized by Bettina Lindorfer & Jürgen Trabant)